Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ragnarok Online 2 LotS: New Music

Some new music was added to the Legend of the Second client. Some of it is very pretty. It really fits the RO world and just seems like more adapted? I'm not really sure what I'm trying to say. I felt a few of the songs giving me a feeling of sadness mixed with hope. As if the world these songs are in is not in such good shape but there's hope to be found. I guess I sound silly. Anyway go ahead and see for yourself.

Here are some of my favorites.

Maple Forest

Payon Tome

Garden of Baphomet

Divided Plain

Abandoned Laboratory

Temple of Sea God 02

Verta Delta

Morroc Theme

Breeze Island

South Plain 01

Prontera Theme

Prontera Cathedral

This one isn't really new. But I like it a lot as well. It's called Sara and is composed by Yoko Kanno. It's so peaceful..


Here is a link to download the full contents of the BGM folder. In case you don't won't to download the full Korean client to just get the music.


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